Who We Are

Desert Diamond Industries is the largest supplier of Diamond Saw Blades for government agencies in the United States and Canada. We supply diamond blades, grinders, core bits and other diamond tools to water and sewer utilities, fire departments, transportation agencies, foundries and construction and manufacturing companies of every type. It doesn’t matter what you have to cut – asphalt, concrete, stone, masonry, iron or steel – or what application you have. We have a diamond blade that’s the perfect fit for you.

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To ensure that everyone using diamond abrasive blades goes home safe, through education, training, and by providing products that greatly reduce the dangers facing todays cutting and grinding industry.


A world where students and employees can operate blades that do not explode during use or emit cancer causing abrasive dust.


Ronald Krusleski

Houston Fire Department

This blade was unbelievable on how quick it cut through the fuselage... In the past, we would have gone through multiple blades in one day. I have been in the fire service for 28 years and I have never used a blade that worked as efficient (sic) as this blade. 

Dave Peraskis

Finishing Room Supervisor

The operator loves it, he wants 'em. We're not 150 to 1 yet, but we're about 60 to 1... He doesn't have to change blades, it cuts easier, it doesn't throw sparks... We've only had it a week, but I can tell you right now, it's better.

Raul Serrato

We had a contractor put them on our saws to cut some pipe, some steel pipe, and he was really impressed how it cut because it doesn't have a lot of sparks and a lot of metal shooting out all over the place, and he was surprised how clean-cutting it was.